Too Much Salt?
We’re eating too much salt! Health authorities say we consume 80% more salt than is good for us.
But salt has been in the diet of every culture since forever, what’s the problem?
The problem is refining of salt plus consumption of processed and packaged foods.
One thing industry knows well is the “bliss point” of every food. Extensive research with people tasting foods determines the best combination of salt, sugar and fat so we’ll love it and even be addicted. That bliss point is tested on all ages and ethnic groups, the bliss point decided and then marketing is focused on that particular population group.
A lot of science has gone into manufacturing a wide variety of salt crystals designed to give the very best “burst of flavour” to suit every different type of food. Apparently we’re so addicted to the flavour of salt it’s too difficult for industry to keep us interested in their products if reduce the amount. So they tell us salt is needed as a preservative and flavour enhancer. They tell us if salt was reduced we’d simply add more to our taste anyway.
Actually, if salt is reduced by legislative demand or marketing pressure, fat and sugar are increased to maintain flavour. Or if fats are reduced the salt is increased!
Refined Salt
Refined salt is a cubic crystal, alien to the body. It creates fluid imbalances, it raises blood pressure. “Natural sea salt” may well have been dried in a kiln, creating hard-fired pieces that must be pulverised back to appropriate crystal size but become sharp glasslike fragments. It also has anti-caking and flow agents added.
Iodine may be added but the amount is inadequate to restore iodine deficiencies and will evaporate (sublime) in a few short months, even in storage.
Traditionally, salt was gathered from natural sources and well mineralised. This mineral matrix means it’s well absorbed and finds its balance, excess salt can be passed off in the urine. It’s nourishing and helps balance fluid in the cells. A good natural salt gives drinking water an electrolyte potential so it can properly hydrate the cells. It helps alkalize the body and supports adrenal function.

There are excellent salts available. Himalayan and Celtic are well known. The Murray River Salt is seriously delicious!