Himalayan Salt “Sole”
The first requirement of good health is HYDRATION. Every cell of the body needs to be properly filled with water.
For water to enter cells it must pass the cell membrane. This requires ‘electrolyte potential’ – ample minerals with electrical charge.
We can drink a lot of water and pass a lot of clear urine yet remain chronically dehydrated if water lacks electrolyte potential. It could take weeks of consuming good electrolyte water to fully re-hydrate.
A great way to energise water with a perfect electrolyte is to add Himalayan Salt Sole (so-lay).
How to Make Sole
Chunky Himalayan salt crystals are best (if you can find them).
Fill a glass jar about half full of crystals and add pure water. Allow to stand 24 hours and the water will become a saturated salt solution.
This is the Sole.
Simply add some Sole to a glass of water or to a water bottle. About enough Sole to a glass of water so the water will taste mineralised, not so much that the water tastes salty.
As the jar of Sole depletes simply top it up with water or salt crystals as needed. Every few months the jar and salt crystals may be rinsed out and refreshed.
The benefits are amazing. Drinking water becomes mineralised and alkalising, it helps the body to detox and cleanse, sediments that can cause stones and hardening start dissolving. It helps prevent cramps.
Good hydration will moderate histamine reactions, it eases asthma attacks.
For any person with chronic illness its the only way to begin resolving deep and difficult problems. The complexity of multiple medications mean attempts to nourish or heal cause severe adverse reactions. Hydration offers a simple way to take enormous stress out of the clinical picture.
Drinking ample amounts of Sole water isn’t likely to raise blood pressure like a refined salt because it helps the body regulate fluid balance and blood pressure.
And of course the Sole water is very hydrating, getting that water into the cells where it is so critically needed.
Finish a long day feeling so much fresher, without that feeling of unsatisfied thirst.