A Cancer Conundrum?
Have you ever heard of someone who died from an undiagnosed…

One Way to Understand Sickness
Much sickness and many diseases are new and not well understood. Sickness…

Andrew Weil – Reflections On Coffee
A primary aspect of a good relationship with any psychoactive drug is awareness of its nature

3 Reasons to question an “evidence based medicine” treatment
The gold standard of "evidence based medicine" is the placebo…

Supermarket Music and Shopping Faster?
Those songs make us more efficient shoppers..

Don’t be floxxed
Antibiotics kill bacteria, the good and the not good. Just as…

Faecal transplants
Faecal transplants or Faecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT)…

Hydrogenated Oils are Delicious!
Yes, and they're in so many popular foods! They're superb…