Thymus vulgaris – leaf
Traditionally used for bronchitis and cough with viscous sputum, and associated hoarseness. Expectorant in colds with a cough.
The leaf and flowers of thyme have been used extensively in cooking, particularly in meat dishes and as flavoring in teas and liqueurs.
- Spasmolytic
- Expectorant
- Antiseptic in respiratory conditions
- Antimicrobial – topically on skin & mucous membranes
- Bronchitis
- Whooping cough
- Asthma & catarrh
- Inflamed upper respiratory tract
- Colic, flatulence, diarrhoea
Contra-indications and Cautions
No known toxicity, contraindications or drug interactions.
Safe for children.
Administration and Dosage
The analysis of contents below is a guide only, product specific data including expiry date is with the item in the shop.
Thymus vulgaris 1:2. Each 1 ml contains 500mg of dry herb.
Liquid extract in 45% ethanol. Use 15 to 40 ml weekly.
Our clinic uses fluid extracts from Optimal Rx, Herbal Extract Company, Nutrition Care, Mediherb or Sunray Botanicals, in this order.
The dried flowers have been used in the same way as lavender, to preserve linen from insects.
Thyme oil is use in perfumery, cosmetics, and aromatherapy.