skullcap flower


Scutellaria lateriflora – aerial parts

A relaxing nervine with a wide range of applications. Nourishes, renews and revives the central nervous system.


  • Nervine tonic
  • Sedative
  • Anti-spasmodic


  • Relief of restlessness, sleeplessness.
  • Low mood, exhausted and depressed states.
  • Headache.
  • Seizure.

Rare gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhoea are associated with oral administration.

Contraindicated in cold conditions in TCM and during interferon therapy.

May increase risk of bleeding if used concurrently with anticoagulants (warfarin); use with caution.

The analysis of contents below is a guide only, product specific data including expiry date is with the item in the shop.

Scutellaria lateriflora 1:2. Each 1 ml contains 500mg of dry herb.

Liquid extract in 45% ethanol. Use 15 to 30 ml weekly.

Our clinic uses fluid extracts from Optimal Rx, Herbal Extract Company, Nutrition Care, Mediherb or Sunray Botanicals, in this order.

Calming, relaxing effect. During day to restore balance to an overworked individual. Evening to promote healthy sleep.