clivers herb


Galium aparine – aerial parts

Clivers is a spring tonic and works well for the sort of stagnation that builds up from the heavy foods and sedentary times of winter.

As a prime cleansing remedy it aids in the elimination of waste by gently moving the lymph. Supports lymph glands and health of mucosal membrane of urinary tract and skin.

Clivers is beneficial in many skin issues such as psoriasis and has been used traditionally both internally and externally.


Primary: depurative, lymphatic, diuretic.


  • Skin complaints.
  • Relief of enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Relief of the burning sensation associated with medically diagnosed cystitis.
  • Support for inflammation of the urinary tract.

None known.

Professional supervision is suggested during pregnancy and lactation.

The analysis of contents below is a guide only, product specific data including expiry date is with the item in the shop.

Galium aparine 1:2. Each 1 ml contains 500mg of dry herb.

Liquid extract in 30% ethanol. Use 25 to 60 ml weekly.

Our clinic uses fluid extracts from Optimal Rx, Herbal Extract Company, Nutrition Care, Mediherb or Sunray Botanicals, in this order.

Clivers is one of the most important remedies for swollen lymph glands including tonsils, or swollen glands in the armpits, breasts and groin. For the lymphatic system it combines well with poke root (Phytolacca americana), echinacea (Echinacea spp.), red clover (Trifolium pratense) and calendula (Calendula officinalis).

It is also a powerful diuretic, gentle and safe even for children, useful for acute or chronic cystitis with swollen lymph nodes and uterine inflammation. For urinary tract infections it pairs well with uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), buchu (Agathosma betulina) and cornsilk (Zea mays). Herbalist extraordinaire, the late Dorothy Hall, says clivers is especially useful for irritations of the kidney, bladder and genito-urinary tract of males, particularly with enlarged and painful prostate glands.

Clivers is beneficial in many skin issues and has been used traditionally both internally and externally. It can be used For psoriasis use in combination with burdock (Arctium lappa) and yellow dock (Rumex crispus), this also supports eczema, acne and boils.